OK, done that - What next? HELP !!
Ok, I've only been skinning for a short while, (WB Skins), & thought it was about time I turned my attentions to Objectdock.
I've never used object dock before & at the risk of making myself look like a complete 'Plonka!', I have a couple of questions I need to put to the community.
1 : How do you make or import new backgrounds for your dock? when you go into the appearance window & drop the selections it doesn't give you the option to import or create an alternative background.
2 : In Objectdock plus it states 'click on link & Download the Docklet SDK to create your own docklets'. Ok, Ive done that & downloaded the zip file.
problem is, this zip doesn't contain any executable .exe files so where do I unzip the folders to & what do I do next to start making docklets?